Thank you for viewing the Submission Wizard help file.
The help file has been designed to help you get the most out of the Submission Wizard and to answer common questions. Intentionally designed as a html hyperlinked document, Exploit are able to update the help file with all the latest issues and help topics as they arise to provide you, the user with a better service.
Please note that the help file is generated in our UK office, so many parts use British English rather than US English. We do receive a number of emails telling us that we have made spelling mistakes, for example color/colour, but these are simply a result of the slight differences in the spelling between our US and UK office, and are not actually mistakes!
Each topic is hyperlinked to a page giving further information and screen shots to assist you further. Click on a hyperlink below to obtain help for the topic of interest.
Installation Help
Before you submit
During A Submission
After a Submission
Customising your Submission Wizard
Registering the Submission Wizard
Common Submission Wizard Questions
Submission Wizard Technical Problems